Dr. Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya

Academic Profile

2007-2010: Doctor of Philosophy, Sociology, University of Ghana, Legon

2003-2005: Masters of Philosophy, Sociology, University of Ghana, Legon

1997- 2001: Bachelor of Arts, Sociology and Political Science, University of Ghana, Legon


Academic Distinctions

Visiting Fellow: Department of Anthropology and African Studies, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, July-August 2013

Visiting Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Dar-re Salaam, Tanzania May 3, 2013- June 30, 2013

Postdoctoral Fellow: American Council of Learned Societies (AHP) 2012-2013.

PHD Scholarship: Volkswagen (VW) Foundation, Germany 2007-2010.


Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya (PI), Steve Tonah, Dan-Bright Dzorgbo, Joseph Teye Migrant Chiefs in Urban Ghana. University of Ghana Office of Research, Innovation and Development (ORID) Grant, 2014-2016. Amount, GHC24, 938.                                    

Gladys Nyarko (PI), Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya, Fidelia Ohemeng, Jimaima Anderson, Language choice, language shift and work among migrants in three urban communities in Ghana. University of Ghana Office of Research, Innovation and Development (ORID) Grant 2013-2015. Amount, GHC24, 999.

Peter Atumpare Atudiwe (PI), Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya, Justice Tankabe, Criminal Justice and Sentencing Decisions in Ghana, University of Ghana Office of Research, Innovation and Development (ORID) Grant. 2014-2016. Amount, GHC, 24, 999.


Conferences/Workshops/Seminar Presentations

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya 2022. Chieftaincy and the (Un)making of the Ghanaian State: A Sociological View. Narratives from Tribal Chiefs in Accra Department Seminar, Department of Sociology, University of Ghana.

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya & Michael Augustus Akargbor 2022. Nativism and Strangerhood in Contested Narratives of Migrant Chiefs in Accra. Paper presented at the Ghana Sociological and Anthropological Association (GSAA) 6th Annual Conference September 22-23, 2022. Department of Sociology, University of Ghana, Legon.

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya (Co-Convenor), Jan Budniok, Oumaru Hamani Alexander Stroh, 2016. African Courts: Actors, Institutional Developments and Governance in collaboration with the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Point Sud in Bamako and thr CGD in Ouagadougou. February 21-23, 2016.

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya (Co-Convenor), Jan Budniok, Oumaru Hamani Alexander Stroh. African Courts: 2014. Actors, Institutional Developments and Governance Workshop at the LASDEL Niamey (Niger). December 4−10, 2014.

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya 2014. Legal Pluralism in Ghana's Houses of Chiefs and the Question of Concurrent Jurisdiction: A Socio-Legal Analysis. Paper presented at African Courts: Actors, Institutional Developments and Governance Workshop at the LASDEL Niamey (Niger). Plenary session 10 “Legal Pluralism II.” December 4-10, 2014.

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya. (2011). “Chieftaincy-State Relations in Ghana: Who is in Charge?”.  Paper presented at the III International Conference on Afro-American, Luzo Brazilian and Hiaspanic Studies. Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, 2-5 August.

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya (2010) “Civil Servants or Public Servants? The Dilemma of State Actors in the Houses of Chiefs in Ghana.”  Paper presented at a Department Seminar, Department of Sociology, University of Ghana, Legon, Seminar Room S 75. April 9.

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya (2009) “Bringing the Chiefs back in: Chiefs and Mixed Government in Ghana”.  Paper presented at the international conference “Etats en chantier en Afrique au Sud du Sahara / States at work in Sub-Saharan Africa”, LASDEL and the Department of Anthropology and African Studies, Mainz University, in Niamey, 7−9 December.

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya & Steve Tonah (2009). “If You Don’t Have Money Why Do You Want To Become a Chief?” The Commercialization of the Judicial Processes at the Houses of Chiefs. Paper presented at the 4th Colloquium of the Faculty of Social Studies, Kwabena Nketia Conference Hall, University of Ghana, Legon, November 12.

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya (2008), Resolving Chieftaincy Disputes through Judicial   Process, the Bimbilla Case in Northern Ghana. Kolloquium für Magistranden und Doktoranden, Leitung /Coordinator: Prof.  Dr. Carola Lentz, Institute für Ethnologie and Afrika- Studien, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat-mainz Germany,Venue:  Exhibition Hall. (May 23, 2008).

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya (2008). The Houses of Chiefs in Ghana: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Seminar Presentation, “States at Work”, LASDEL, Parakou, Benin. (June 13, 2008).

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya (2007). Working Behind the Scenes: State Actors and the Judicial Processes in the Houses of Chiefs in Ghana. Inter-Faculty Lecture, K.A. Busia Lecture Hall, University of Ghana. Legon, November 1, 2007).

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya. (2007). Chieftaincy and the Ghanaian State. (Lead Discussant) Round Table Discussion (‘States at Work’), Alzalai Hotel, Bamako, Mali (November 27, 2007).


Academic Publications



Tonah. S & A. S. Anamzoya (2016). Managing Chieftaincy and Ethnic Conflicts in Ghana. Accra: Woeli Publishing Services             

Anamzoya S. Alhassan (2008). Working Behind the Scenes: State Actors and Judicial Processes in the Houses of Chiefs in Ghana. Accra: Black Mask Ltd.               

Chapters in Books

Anamzoya S. A. (2019). A study if intra-gate chieftaincy succession dispute in Nanung, north-eastern Ghana, Zugehӧrigkeiten:Erforschen, Verhandeln, Aufführen im Sinne von Carola Lentz. Herausgegeben von Jan Beek, Konstanze  N’Guessan und Mareike Späth. RÜDIGER KÖPPE VERLAG. KÖLN. PP: 121-138.  

Geraldine Asiwome A & Anamzoya S. A (2017). “Patriarchal Norms in Reverse      Remittance Behaviour Among Ghanaian Transnational Couple”, in M, Awumbila,Badasu, D and J. K. Teye (Eds), Migration in a Globalizing World: Perspectives from Ghana. University of Ghana Reader.

Anamzoya S. A & S. Tonah (2016). Multiple Plaster Don’t Heal a Wound: Managing the Bimbilla Chieftaincy Dispute, Northern Ghana, in Tonah S. & S. A Anamzoya (Eds.,). Managing Chieftaincy and Ethnic Conflicts in Ghana. Accra: Woeli Publishing Services.      

Anamzoya, S. A (2014). “Chiefs and Chieftaincy Institution in Ghana: A Historical and Contemporary Analysis” in Dzorgbo D. S. and Tonah, S (Eds.,) Sociology and Development Issues in Ghana: A Reader. Woeli Publishing Services. 70-88.

Teye, JK, Albert, A.A, & Anamzoya, A. S. (2014). Achievements and Challenges of the National Health Insurance Scheme, in Roscoe C. (Editor.,) African Political, Economic and Security Issues: Ghana Social Economic and Politica Issues. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York.  275-293.

Issah Alhassan Abubakari and Anamzoya, S. A (2013). “Islamic Call: The Role of  Women in Da’wah Activities, Dagbon, Northern Ghana-The Case of Hajia Mariam Alolo” in (Badru Pade and Sackey Bridgit M. (Eds.,) Islam in Africa South of the Sahara: Essays in Gender Relations and Political Reform. The Scare Crow Press. 165-186.                

Anamzoya, S. A and Senah Kodjo (2011): “Internal Control and Disciplinary Mechanism in Ghana”, in  Alemika E.E.O and Chukwumah I.C. (Eds.,) Police Internal Control Systems in West Africa. Malthouse Press Limited and CLEEN FOUNDATION

Anamzoya S. A (2009). “Chieftaincy Conflicts in Northern Ghana: A Challenge to  National Stability”, in Tonah. S. (Ed.,) Contemporary Social Problems in Ghana Yamens. 179-208.                             

Peer Reviewed Articles

Anamzoya, A. S. Baba Zakaria A. (2022) Migrant Chiefs in Urban Ghana: An Exploratory Study of Some Selected Dagomba Chiefs in Accra, Ghana Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 19 (2), 161-186.

Anamzoya, A.S, Gariba, J. (2022). Naam Making in Dagbon and the Legitimation of Traditional Authority, Open Journal of Social Sciences, 10, 597-613.

Delali A. Dovie, Dan-Bright S. Dzorgbo, Kofi Ohene Konadu, Anamzoya, A, S (2021), The Role of Social Institutions in Retirement Planning Information Dissemination in Urban Ghana, Journal of Communications, Media and Society (JOCMAS). Vol. 7, No. 1). Pp 106-139.

Gladys Nyarko Ansah, Jemima Asabea Anderson, Anamzoya A. S., Fidelia Ohemeng (2017). “Bra, sɛn, yɛnkↄ...that is all I know in Akan’: How female migrants from rural north survive with minimum bilingualism in urban markets in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Linguistics (49- 74).                

Anamzoya S. A. (2014). Neither Fish nor fowl: Status Ambiguity of the Houses of Chiefs in Ghana, Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 46, 2 218-234.                              

Anamzoya S. A (2013). “Chieftaincy is Dead. Long Live Chieftaincy: Renewed Relevance of Chieftaincy in Post Colonial Ghana”, The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs, Vol No. 2 115-139. 40.                                        

Anamzoya S. A and Steve T. (2012) The Bimbilla Chieftaincy Succession Disputes in Nanun, Northern Ghana: Interrogating the Narratives of the Contestants, Ghana Journal of Geography, Vol. 14, 12. 83-101.                     

Anamzoya S. A and Steve Tonah 2011. “If You Don’t Have Money, Why Do you         Want to be a Chief’’? An Analysis of the Commercialization of Justice in the Houses of Chiefs in Ghana, Ghana Social of Science Journal, Vol. 7, No 1. 1-13.

Anamzoya S. A 2010: “Chieftaincy Conflicts in Northern Ghana: The Case of the Bimbilla Skin Succession Dispute”. Universitats. Vol 12. 41-68.

Anamzoya S. A (January-June 2010): “The Dynamics of Institutionalized Chieftaincy and State Relations in Ghana since Independence”. Journal of Intra-African Studies, No.3. 47-64

Gyampo, Ransford V.E. and Anamzoya S. A 2010: “Ministerial Appointment and Government Expenditure in Developing Democracies: A Case Study of Ghana Fourth Republic”, Journal of Arts and Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Pp. 49-73.

Anamzoya S. A (2009). “Our Courts, Our Cases and we are the Judges”: Chiefs as the Judges in the House of Chiefs in Ghana”, in Legon Journal of Sociology, Vol 3, No. 2, 70-91.

Anamzoya S. A (2008). “Politicization, Elite Manipulation, or Institutional weaknesses? The Search for Alternative Explanations to the Dagbon Chieftaincy Disputes in Northern Ghana” Research Review NS Vol. 24. No 1, 1-25.

Technical/Consultancy/Workshop Reports

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya March 2014. Fidelia Ohemeng, Joseph Teye, Albert Kpoor, Peter Dwumah, & Rabiu Asante: Beneficiary Assessment of the Health Insurance Project. Consultancy Report submitted to the National Health Insurance Authority.

Mariama Awumbila Joseph Teye, George Owusu, Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya 2013: Migration out of Poverty (Regional Survey), Assessment of Migration Benefits to Migrants and their Households. DFID

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya, Delali Badasu, Osman Alhassan, Urbanization, Migration and Domestic Work in Ghana: Assessment of Users and Beneficiaries’ of Domestic Work in Urban Ghana. Report submitted to NUFFIC

Senah Kodjo, Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya 2010. Police Internal Control and Disciplinary Mechanisms in West Africa : Submitted to CLEEN FOUNDATION, Nigeria

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya, (2009).  Evaluating the Activities of Stakeholders in the National Health Insurance Scheme (Central and Western Regions). Submitted to the National Health Insurance Authority.

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya, Manteaw Samuel (2010). Mid-term Report: Northern and Brong Ahafo Regions: Submitted to the Constitutional Review Commission.

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya, Senah K. (2007) A Report on a Study of Female Cross-Border Migration in Ghana.  Submitted to International Organization for Migration, United Nations Populations Fund, Ghana Immigration Service. 

Babina John Samuel, Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya (2007). Legal Support to Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions. Report on Judicial Committee Activities. Submitted to Sustainable Peace Initiative.

Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya, Opening a Door into the Private Lives of Dagomba Chiefs in Northern Ghana, American Council of Learned Societies (AHP) Postdoctoral Award on 2012-2013. Amount. $17, 000.


Professional Associations

Ghana Sociological and Anthropological Association (GSAA)     

Head, Department of Sociology