Messages from the School of Social Sciences Students' Associations to all Fresh Students,
NAME OF JOURNAL: Ghana Social Science Journal (ISSN: 0855-4730; eISSN: 2590-9673-ONLINE.) Editor Co-Editor Austin D. Ablo Editorial Committee Mavis Dako_Gyeke Chairperson Member Akosua K. Darkwah Member Edward Nketiah-Amponsah Member Joseph Osafo Member Alidu Seidu Member William Baah-Boateng Member
Supporting Staff Sandra Alima Fiamavle Editorial Assistant
International Editorial Advisory Board Emmanuel Akyeampong, Harvard University, Cambridge, United States.
Ghana Social Science Journal is indexed and abstracted in the Pro Quest Periodicals Acquisition Databases, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America.
NOTES TO CONTRIBUTORS AND CALL FOR PAPERS The Ghana Social Science Journal (GSSJ) publishes a peer reviewed research for domestic, regional and in international audiences covering scholarly work in terms of: analysis, theory, measurements and empirical enquiry in all aspects of social science scholarship. Contributions are encouraged from all fields which have relevant and insightful comments involving social, economic, political, cultural, health, environmental and spatial dimensions of society and their implications for Social Science scholarship as broadly conceived. The Editor invites prospective authors to submit manuscripts (articles and book reviews) for possible publication in this international journal. The Journal is published twice a year in June and December. 1. Manuscript Requirements ii. Articles and book reviews sent to this journal should not have been accepted for publication elsewhere and must follow the referencing guidelines of the GSSJ. Papers that fail to conform to the referencing requirements will be rejected outright. Authors are advised to keep copies of their manuscripts. iii. Articles should normally not exceed 8,000 words in length, and must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 150 words. A book review should not exceed 1,000 words. A brief autobiographical note on the author should be supplied including full name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address and full international contact details. These should be provided on the cover page of the manuscript. iv. Illustrative material (maps, diagrams, photographs and others) should be numbered serially (using Arabic numerals). v. Endnotes, which should be self-explanatory and kept as minimal as possible, should be numbered serially and typed on separate sheets from the text; they should not be used to introduce bibliographical references. Instead, references to books and articles must be in Harvard style; that is, shown in the main body of the text as the author’s last name followed by year of publication and page number(s). For example, “Field (1958: 1043) …” indicates that the reference is made to page 1043 of Field’s book or article, which appeared in 1958. Similarly, several authors, such as “Ward (1956)”, “Goody (1957)”, and “Field (1963)…” imply works by the authors which appear in the years indicated in brackets. If more than one work of an author that appeared in one year are cited in the manuscript, letters should be used to distinguish the works from one another, such as “Merton (1963a),” and Merton (1963b). This procedure should be used in the endnotes also. vi. At the end of the manuscript a reference list in alphabetical order must be given as follows: If several works by one author are cited, entries in the references should be in chronological order. Works by the same author that appear in the same year should be distinguished by the use of letters (a, b, c…). 2. Copyright 3. How to Submit The Editorial Office, |